A Brief History of the Agile Ball

The Agile Ball is a simple, light weight, plastic or wooden board used in Agile project management and agile development. It is a great "thinking tool" for Agile teams to visualize where the project should be at any stage. It helps in planning, backlog management, estimation of work and costs and so on. It also forces the team members to think long and hard about their work. There are many ways of "retrofitting" this simple board into Agile projects.

Each sprint begins with a sprint planning meeting. During this meeting the team members get together to review their previous sprints and determine what worked, what didn't, and what needs improvement. The objective is to determine what areas were addressed most needed and what needs to be improved. Once everyone agrees on this, the meeting ends and the teams begin their next sprint planning meeting, known as sprint reviews. Click here for more details about bola tangkas online

During sprint reviews the teams review the summary of the previous sprint. The summary provides the basic overview, problem, solution and design, along with the lessons learned. The Agile Ball then comes into play to help identify those areas for improvement and how they were addressed. After each sprint, the teams get together again at the sprint planning meeting to revise the summary and the issues raised.

The Agile Ball allows for real time video playback that helps teams watch their activities live. A large whiteboard is used during these sessions for brainstorming, sharing ideas, giving feedback and requesting new ideas. The ball point pen helps to facilitate the discussions thus allowing the teams to refer to the information written on the whiteboard.

The Agile Ball also becomes a reference when participants need to write in a real time manner. This can be done through the use of the Retros heat map tool. These tools show the visual feedback loops that form during the development process. Agile teams use the data provided by the tool to understand the problem solving process and discover the areas for improvement. After the Agile Ball session the teams review the results of their efforts using the Agile Ball Point System (ABPS).

The Agile Ball is a valuable tool not only for large teams, but also for small teams that are just starting to deploy Agile software. This tool helps teams focus on the process and identify the problems instead of wasting effort looking for a solution. The Agile Ball is very flexible and can be configured to fit any organization's needs. It is also a fun way for the team to relax during a long, hard week of meetings! And as mentioned earlier, it also helps teams develop healthy competition among themselves!


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